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Se non hai un pò di dimestichezza con la lingua effettivamente non è facile. after the date of enactment of this Act, and not less frequently than every 2 years thereafter, the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, shall submit to the Committees on Indian and Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the Committees on Natural Resources and Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives a report that includes a description of-- (1) the progress made toward addressing the deferred maintenance needs of the roads on Indian land, including a list of projects funded during the fiscal period covered by the (2) the outstanding needs of the roads that have been provided funding to investimenti in criptovalute 8 maggio the deferred maintenance needs; (3) the remaining needs of any of the projects referred to (4) how the goals described in subsection (b) have been met, assessment of any deficiencies or shortfalls in meeting deficiencies or shortfalls in meeting the goals; and issues or recommendations provided by an Indian tribe under the consultation and input process under subsection (c) that the The Commissioner of U. 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