Out now - ANCESTRYANCESTRY IS ON THE LONGLIST FOR THE WALTER SCOTT PRIZE FOR HISTORICAL FICTION. The Mail on Sunday (31/7/2022) calls ANCESTRY an "idiosyncratic gem of the book" with documentary records "flesh[ed] out...with soaring flights of imagination." "ANCESTRY is utterly absorbing", says the Times (19/7/2022), "So cleverly constructed and beautifully written. According to the Financial Times ANCESTRY is "An intriguing blend of archival research and fictionalised accounts" The novel is described as "gripping" and "genre-bending". The whole review is here but it's behind a paywall. ANCESTRY is published in the United Kingdom and elsewhere by Little Brown and in the United States by Other Press.
AppearancesHear me talking with Richard & Judy about The Girl Who Fell From The Sky, for the WH Smiths, Richard & Judy Book Club Hear me in discussion with Diane Rehm on the Diane Rehm Show, National Public Radio in the US. and also in an interview for ABC radio in Australia
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